Thursday, October 24, 2013


I think the article is scary but truthful in a way. What it says its truth because a lot of kids are not informed on what the drug is or can do to you. And if they are informed they don't care because they see other people do it and it doesn't cause them harm so they think it will do the same to them. But not everyone has the same body. Its scary knowing what heroin does to you and seeing pictures is even scarier it makes you wonder why people do it.

Heroin kills you. Its main drug is morphine. If a lot of these people got informed they probably wouldn't  it do it,also their families should also be informed. And if they see something wrong with their child they should talk to them or ask for help. Talk about it don't be scared or embarrassed to ask for help, Im sure its more embarrassing telling people why your child died instead of asking for help.
People who used to do it and cleaned themselves should go to schools, clubs etc and talk about it to prevent other teen or even adults from using this drug that can kill you. 

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